Power to the programmer: Modeller’s perspective on automating the setup of hydrodynamic models for Dutch water authorities
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hydrodynamic modelling
modeller's perspective

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Remmers, J., Teuling, A., Dahm, R., van Dam, A., & Melsen, L. (2024). Power to the programmer: Modeller’s perspective on automating the setup of hydrodynamic models for Dutch water authorities. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 6, 18657. https://doi.org/10.18174/sesmo.18657


Use of models in decision making, for example in water management, requires confidence in the model and its outputs. Since choices in model setup affect model output, this confidence is affected by the modellers’ professional judgement. Computer programmers can use their expertise in coding to standardise some of the tasks associated with computational modelling. Therefore, centralized automation has the potential to ensure quality of modelling decisions. Since it is the modeller that makes the choices in the model set-up, it is important to understand how modellers perceive automation. To explore their perspectives, we conducted fourteen interviews with modellers at water authorities and consulting companies in the Netherlands. The transcripts were analysed through deductive and inductive content analysis. Our study reveals that automated modelling processes can improve efficiency, transparency and consistency, but only if certain requirements are met, such as good documentation, clear ownership, adequate maintenance, and frequent evaluation. Therefore, managing the risks and benefits of automation requires balancing the power between modellers and programmers.

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Copyright (c) 2024 J.O.E. Remmers, A.J. Teuling, R.J. Dahm, A. van Dam, L.A. Melsen