Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling

Current Issue

Vol. 7
Published February 6, 2025
Seventh Issue (in prep.)

Earlier Issues: Issue 4 (2022), Issue 5 (2023) and Issue 6 (2024).

Special Issue: Participatory & cross-scale modelling of SESs in the Anthropocene

Markus Meyer, Yue Dou, Hedwig van Delden, Thanh Thi Nguyen, Melvin Lippe
Participation in modeling social-ecological systems across scales in agriculture and forestry
Article Full Text (PDF)

Joint Special Issue on Good Modelling Practice

Alexander Murray, Lars Asplin, Gunnvor a Nordi, Sissal Erenbjerg, Alejandro Gallego, Stephen C. Ives, Erin King, Trondur Kragesteen, Joanne Murphy, Berit Rabe, Anne D. Sandvik, Jofrid Skardhamar, Meadhbh Moriarty
“Knowledge Strength”: maximising the reliability of evidence derived from environmental modelling in the face of uncertainty – the case of the salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)
Article Full Text (PDF)
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SESMO is an Open Access, Community Driven, Scholarly Journal, that aims to progress our understanding, learning and decision making on major socio-environmental issues using advances in model-grounded processes that engage with institutional and governance contexts, cross-sectoral and scale challenges, and stakeholder perspectives.

Fit-for-purpose problem framing, model development and evaluation as well as eclectic uncertainty analysis are stressed so that the advantages and limitations of model-related assumptions are transparent. The aim is to advance model-grounded, learning and decision processes and their wider application to a new level that leads to innovations in thinking and practice to support resolution of grand challenge problems; including generating policy insights and evidence, and reducing and managing critical uncertainties (assumptions, model structure, parameterizations, inputs including future drivers, and boundary conditions). Papers may address how science can help identify and provide germane information and support required by managers, decision-makers and society at large.